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首頁 / Admission
Date 2020-02-10

Application Requirements

- Has a bachelor's degree in European languages (German, Spanish, French)
- Has work experiences related to European affairs for over two years 

The Master's Program in European Studies has stopped admitting applicants since the year 2012.

Admission Quota: 20 


Evaluation: 50% Written Test, 30% Oral Exam, 20% Documents and References
Questions on the written test will be based on professional practices of three subjects; the oral exam will be about work experiences, knowledge, competence, and professionalism. (Please refer to the admission brochure for more information)


Introduction to European Cultures
1、埃德加 莫蘭 (Edgar Morin), 反思歐洲 (Penser l'Europe), 香港 , 三聯書局 ,2005
2、艾薩克 (Isacc Maleter), 歐洲文化史 , 漢唐 , 1999
3、摩斯 (Moussis Nicholas), 前進歐洲 , 中國生產力中心 , 1999
4、基佐 (Guiyot. F.O.G), 歐洲文明化的進程 , 牛津大學 , 1996.
5、杭廷頓 , 文明衝突與世界秩序的重建 , 聯經出版公司 , 1997
6、赫爾 (Heer; Friedrick), 歐洲思想史 , 中大 , 2003
7、王曾才 , 西洋近代史 , 正中書局 , 2003
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