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首頁 / Curriculum
Date 2020-02-10

The number in the parentheses (  ) represents the number of credits:
3 means a semester-long course
6 means a year-long course

Please inquire the course selection system of each year for the name of the instructor, class time, location, etc.

Required Courses for the 1st Year:
Thesis Writing I | (3) *1st semester
Seminar on European Cultures and Civilizations | (3)  *2nd semester

Elective Courses for the 1st Year:
Seminar on European Classic Literature | (3)  *1st semester
Seminar on European Contemporary Literature | (3)  *2nd semester

Required Courses for the 2nd Year:
Thesis Writing II | (6)

Elective Courses for the 2nd Year:
Seminar on the European Union | (3)*1st semester
Seminar on European Economy and Society | (3) *2nd semester
Seminar on European Arts and Aesthetics | (3) *2nd semester
Seminar on European Media | (3) *2nd semester
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